Shamanic Healing Workshops:

I teach shamanism from a completely practical standpoint. I see the study and practice of shamanism as a framework from which to live a whole and meaningful life, not an esoteric study into ancient society. Shamanic skills, beliefs, and healing techniques have (fortunately for us) been preserved on this planet for over 40,000 years. They are enduring and time-honored and meant to be applied in modern life situations.

In 2024, I am aiming to put together a virtual year-long course in Celtic Shamanism, that will meet once a month.  In the interim, please consider the Celtic Shamanism courses I have previously taught  on the Shift Network (links below).  The three taken together will give you a six-month immersion in Celtic tradition and lore.  Stories and exercises are not repeated.

If you wish to be added to an email list that will notify you monthly of times and dates of upcoming classes, please click the SUBSCRIBE button at the bottom of this page.

Year-Long Study in Celtic Shamanism

This course provides a deep examination of Celtic life through a shamanic lens. We will mine and investigate Celtic lore and cosmology, seasonal ritual and celebration; the Celts’ reverence for their homeland and the natural world, their dedication to tribal responsibility and a virtuous life; and their powerful and poetic healing and spiritual practices. Lecture and journey time will be reinforced by a number of rituals, creative exercises and daily practices students do on their own.

Beginning in online format in 2025.  Date TBD.

Celtic Shamanism: Rituals, Myths and Journeys for Reclaiming Your Sovereignty

This course, presented through the Shift Network, uses as its foundation the Celtic Wisdom Wheel, which helps to unveil and break through the core challenges of living an honorable and meaningful life. You’ll learn the traditional Celtic ways of seeing and being in the world—rituals steeped in gratitude, generosity, courage, and wonder — offering a medicine to bring you back home—to your true Self, your sovereignty, and a life rich with a deep connection to the natural world and the sacred. Sovereignty means being in right standing with the Earth, the Heavens, and your own soul. The demands of modern life and the chaos of the greater world can often cut you off from your soul’s deep knowing and your connection to the sacred — which this course is meant to heal and restore. Seven modules and supporting materials, interviews, and transcripts are provided. You can take the course at home at your own speed.

To register or learn more, click here.

Celtic Virtues to Cultivate Lasting Peace

This 10-week course, available through the Shift Network, examines the ways in which life and nature can test our resolve, while teaching us ways to live with more strength and intention in the world.  Following the perspectives and practices of the ancient Celts, we undertake a study to thrive better in current times, by exploring the virtues of Courage, Presence, Gratitude, Joy, Humility, Wisdom, Compassion, Generosity, Surrender, and Peace, examining how the elements within us can be harnessed and balanced, and practicing ways of achieving greater self-insight and honesty.  Our journey through the Celtic way of seeing and being is enriched with Celtic stories, luminaries and sacred trees. You can take this course at your own pace. Ten modules and supporting materials, interviews, and transcripts are provided.

To register or learn more, click here.

The Powerful Transformations Hidden in the Betwixt and Between

This 7-week course, offered through The Shift Network, focuses on the creative, often chaotic phases of our lives known as the betwixt and between, when life as we knew it falls away in order to make room for something new and necessary to enter and take hold.  It is our nature as humans to dread and fear changes in our daily circumstances, but change is crucial for our vitality and growth!  In the Celtic tradition, times or places of transition are considered to be passages rich with possibility and potential. Movement through these transitional and transformational times requires courage, trust, presence, and guidance, which can be aided by the shamanic journey—an inner investigative process that is also a betwixt and between space. Various types of transitional experiences such as hibernation and withdrawal, conflict and division, grief, loss and dismemberment are explored in depth through the help of various Celtic tales, constructive journeys and practices.

To register or learn more, click here.

We grow primarily through our challenges, especially those life-changing moments when we begin to recognize aspects of our nature that make us different from the family and culture in which we have been raised. 
— Caroline Myss